Centro Congressi le Benedettine, Pisa
14th and 15th September 2022

This conference aims to discuss recent developments in academic, professional, institutional registers, and didactic communication as well as the types of specialized vocabularies involved.
The 20th AELFE conference follows previous editions in describing and analysing possible linguistic/communicative disruptions in academic, professional, and institutional contexts, but in this case, we would like to emphasize those developments derived from the pandemic.
Issues such as the intensive use of IT platforms, their influence on our daily professional and academic communication, and the creation of a different proximity that changes the roles of readers, writers, speakers and listeners, will be brought for the fore.
We also want to better understand how the pandemic has changed the way we teach specialized languages. Particular attention, although not the only one in the conference, will be attributed to political discourse, which has hybridized with the emerging medical/health science discourses, while its specialized terms have become the subject of constant disclosure.
The conference will be held at Centro Congressi Le Benedettine, in the very heart of Pisa by Arno river; the programme will be published during the month of April 2022, but you can see here the keynote speakers.
We provide a simple and clear proposal submission process, and a quick registration procedure to the event, that is completely free.
See you in Pisa!
1st of September 2022 – Registration closed
Registration is now closed, thanks to all attendees for their interest, see you in two weeks at the Conference!
14th of March 2022 – Proposal submission closed
Proposal submission is now closed, thanks to all 55 submitters for the provided materials, you will receive a notification of acceptance by 30th April 2022
25th of February 2022 – Proposal submission deadline extended
Proposal submission deadline extended to 13th of March 2022, submit your proposal here!